
Electronic Program Guide

02:51 'Der letzte Zauberer' "Der letzte Zauberer"
Jack Armstrong
02:55 Interview mit Jack Armstrong Interview mit Jack Armstrong
The Last Wizard
03:04 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
Sein Leben
03:05 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
His life
03:07 'The last wizard' "The last wizard"
Jack Armstrong
03:10 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
Book Review
03:13 Bildbeschreibung 'Cosmic Artist' Bildbeschreibung "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:13 News from the last wizard News from the last wizard
Cosmic starship presentation
03:15 Painting description 'Cosmic Artist' Painting description "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:15 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
His life
03:15 One day in Palm Springs One day in Palm Springs
Jack Armstrong presents his Cosmic Art
03:23 Painting description 'Cosmic Artist' Painting description "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:23 Painting description 'Cosmic Artist' Painting description "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:24 Bildbeschreibung 'Cosmic Artist' Bildbeschreibung "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:24 Bildbeschreibung 'Cosmic Artist' Bildbeschreibung "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:25 Bildbeschreibung 'Cosmic Artist' Bildbeschreibung "Cosmic Artist"
Jack Armstrong
03:25 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 1/3 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 1/3
The popular artist talks about his latest works
03:34 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 2/3 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 2/3
The popular artist talks about his latest works
03:44 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 3/3 Jack Armstrong presents his art part 3/3
The popular artist talks about his latest works
03:55 Interview mit Jack Armstrong Interview mit Jack Armstrong
The Last Wizard
04:05 Interview mit Jack Armstrong Interview mit Jack Armstrong
The Last Wizard
04:34 'Der letzte Zauberer' "Der letzte Zauberer"
Jack Armstrong
04:38 Interview mit Jack Armstrong Interview mit Jack Armstrong
The Last Wizard
04:47 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
Sein Leben
04:48 Jack Armstrong Jack Armstrong
His life

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Electronic Program Guide